Arabic & Qur’aan

At TPS, Arabic and Qur’an classes are taught separately and take place daily for 30 – 45 minutes. We use the ‘Kitabi Arabic Curriculum’ to deliver Arabic lessons from Reception through to Year 6. Arabic lessons comprises of:


Learning Qur’anic Arabic as a language – speaking, listening, reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary and grammar

Qur’aan lessons comprises of:


The Qur’anic rules of recitation (Tajweed) and Tafsir

We wish for our children to develop a level of competence in understanding Arabic vocabulary, building a love of the Arabic language, reciting Qur’an and building a love of Islam in general.


Tarbiyyah Primary School
40 New Heston Road
Telephone: 0203 719 8697
Email: [email protected]
DFE Number: 313/6006
School Unique Reference Number (URN): 137273
Charity Number – 1162401 (Heathrow Community Initiative)