We provide high quality early years education for children aged 3 – 5 years in our Nursery and Reception Classes. It is our aim to provide a stimulating, well resourced, happy and secure environment that meets the very varied needs of each child. We offer all children an equal opportunity to become happy and confident, and to enjoy learning.
Our approach to education is child-centred and we aim to continue the good work you have begun at home.
Young children learn best when they are playing. They work very hard at their play and explore and learn through a range of fun, practical experiences, some initiated by themselves, others adult directed.
We aim to develop lively enquiring minds by encouraging children to ask questions and helping them find ways to answer.
The Nursery and Reception classes are bright and welcoming. They are predominantly open plan, providing lots of space for a wide range of equipment and activities. The outside area is used by both the nursery and reception children.
The curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This area is concerned with emotional well-being. It is about children’s view of themselves, their self-esteem and their relationships with others. Children are naturally interested in other people and we offer opportunities to help them develop independence, confidence and resourcefulness as well as their understanding of:
- relationships, feelings and needs;
- acceptable social behaviour;
- right and wrong;
Communication and Language
We offer children many opportunities to speak and to listen in a range of situations. They learn to follow instructions, to ask and answer questions about their experiences, discuss stories and talk about past and future events.
Physical Development
Through everyday routines we enable children to develop the skills of control, co-ordination and movement. They are supported in learning to effectively manipulate small objects including pencils for drawing and writing.
We help children gain confidence and independence in managing their own basic hygiene and personal needs and in understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
We help children to understand that print can be read and that words can be written down, encouraging them to express their ideas in pictures and words. They use their phonic skills to read and understand simple sentences and their phonic knowledge to write words and simple sentences. We share a rich variety of stories and poetry to help children develop a love for books and language.
Mathematical Development
The children experience a range of practical activities to help develop their early mathematical knowledge and understanding of; number, calculating, shape and space, pattern, position, money, data and measures (time, weight, length, capacity).
Understanding the World
Children learn about themselves, the world around them, people both in their community and in the wider world and about customs and festivals. They talk about past and present events in their own lives, explore the environment and learn about living things.
Children develop knowledge and understanding of materials and their properties; of why things happen and how things work. They design and make models using tools and equipment and use information technology to support their work.
Children are helped to develop enquiring minds and the skills of observation, prediction, problem solving and experimentation.
Expressive Arts and Design
Children learn through their senses. They are given time and opportunities to explore and experiment with ideas, materials, tools and techniques. They develop their own ideas through art, role play and stories, experimenting with colour, design and texture.