Tarbiyyah Primary School (TPS) believes that it is essential for the school and parents to work in partnership in order to provide Islamic tarbiyyah (nurturing) of the child. We also encourage parents to get to know the school by becoming involved in all aspects of the school life. Parents being ‘involved’ will mean anything from communicating with the school; cooperating over discipline, attendance and homework; taking an interest in their children’s work; visiting the school; participating in workshops and training; coming to parents’ meetings and talking about issues; attending social and fundraising activities.

TPS want all parents/carers to feel equally valued as part of our school community. We want them to work in close partnership and to have a regular consultation with us in order to improve their children’s learning.

TPS are aware that because of a variety of reasons parents’ involvement levels often decrease as their children progress to secondary school. Therefore, we aim to forge strong links with the local secondary schools and put together a joint transition plan for parents that will encourage them to continue to support their children into the next phase of their education.

Parents, teachers and the school leadership will be expected to
acknowledge and adhere to the Parent-School agreement which will outline the responsibilities and agreed actions of all parties as mentioned below.

Parents can become involved with the school by:

helping in the classroom
helping outside the classroom
school maintenance
home support such as:
helping with class projects
helping with all forms of homework
general encouragement and support
attend Parents Open Days which dates on the progress of their children


Tarbiyyah Primary School
40 New Heston Road
Telephone: 0203 719 8697
Email: [email protected]
DFE Number: 313/6006
School Unique Reference Number (URN): 137273
Charity Number – 1162401 (Heathrow Community Initiative)