At Tarbiyyah Primary School we believe that every child deserves the right to a high standard of education. We are one form entry EYFS Setting and Primary School with a high demand for places, therefore a selection process is in place.
Admission Priorities
Priorities are given to:
- Siblings of students already enrolled with Tarbiyyah;
- Children of staff working at Tarbiyyah;
- Those parents who are committed to the aims and objectives of the school/school trust and who can fit in with the culture and ways of working of the school.
An application form can be downloaded in here and emailed back or posted back to the school using the details provided below.
Once your application form reaches us, provided there are places available, you will be contacted for an interview.
If there is a lack of places available, your child will be offered a place on the waiting list.
Nursery children are entitled for up to 15 hours free part time places after the age of 3.
Please note that there are no guaranteed places for nursery children into the Tarbiyyah Reception class. Parents of nursery children must re-apply for a place in the Reception class.
For Nursery admissions we have three intake times during the academic year:
Interviews for September intake start in: February
Interviews for January intake, starts in: October
Interviews for April intake, starts in: January
For further information about our schools admissions please contact:
Telephone: 0203 719 8697