In the Early Years, your child under the age of 5 is entitled to 15 hours of funding or you may be eligible for the 30 hour funding from the Free Education Grant by the local authority

For the remaining hours that they are in the full time Nursery or Reception, the standard school fees apply (see School Fees Policy).

For Key stage 1 & 2 the fees for September 2024-2025 are £3,700 per year (+ VAT for term 1 & term 2)

Parents/ Guardians can pay the school fee by:

  • Bank transfer: Our bank details are:

Account Name: Heathrow Community Initiative

Account No: 62664496

Sort Code: 40-25-02

Bank: HSBC

  • Standing order through bank/building society: Standing order forms can be collected from the school office
  • Direct debit:  This is the most convenient method of paying your fees quickly and on time. Please send an  email to: [email protected] with:
  1.         Your full name
  2.         Your child’s name
  3.         A brief message indicating you are interested inpaying by direct debit.

You will then receive an email containing an online link to sign up to the process.

It is vital that school fees are paid on time in order to avoid incurring late fee penalties. Tarbiyyah reserves the right to collect outstanding debts via external agencies if required.


Tarbiyyah Primary School
40 New Heston Road
Telephone: 0203 719 8697
Email: [email protected]
DFE Number: 313/6006
School Unique Reference Number (URN): 137273
Charity Number – 1162401 (Heathrow Community Initiative)